Luen Tak Apartments

Luen Tak Apartments

This is an older midrise block of 15 storeys completed in 1966 containing 147 apartments, 10 on most floors. It is located between the community complex and the Kennedy Town playground, 2 minutes from the MTR station. The apartments vary in size from 410-465 sf saleable and are generally 1 or 2 bedrooms. With the arrival of the  MTR and increase in popularity for renting in this area, many apartments are now being renovated.

Kennedy Town
45 Smithfield
Year Built
Number of units
410-465 sq ft

Properties available at Luen Tak Apartments

Displaying 1-1 of 1 results
Luen Tak Apartments
Kennedy Town
Ref#: 139435
A 2 bedroom flat in Kennedy Town, within a 3 min walk to the ...
  2 Bedrooms
  1 Bathroom
Updated on: 14-Aug-2024
For sale
SA: 429
SA 429 GA: 550
GA 550

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